samurai armour造句


  1. They are spirits in samurai armour and attack with sharp swords.
  2. Samurai armour had one last short lived use in 1877 during the Satsuma Rebellion.
  3. The tough deer skins were highly prized by the Japanese, who used them to make samurai armour.
  4. "samurai armour at least from the time of the Mongol invasion ( 1270s ) but particularly from the Nambokucho period ( 1336 1392 ).
  5. Reason : alternative name, " Samurai armour " is Japanese armour, anyone searching for samurai armour should be redirected to Japanese armour as they are the same exact thing.
  6. It's difficult to find samurai armour in a sentence. 用samurai armour造句挺难的
  7. Reason : alternative name, " Samurai armour " is Japanese armour, anyone searching for samurai armour should be redirected to Japanese armour as they are the same exact thing.
  8. Leather and or iron scales were used to construct samurai armours, with leather and eventually silk lace used to connect the individual scales ( kozane ) which these cuirasses were now being made from.
  9. However, the Yangs'armours attracted the most attention, as audiences felt that they resembled samurai armour more than Chinese armour, because of their bright red and black colouring, and long narrow plates.
  10. Armour continued to be worn and used in Japan until the end of the samurai era ( Meiji period ) in the 1860s, with the last use of samurai armour happening in 1877 during the Satsuma Rebellion.
  11. The Museum of Japanese Art contains the bulk of the museums'collection of Japanese art and displays several suits of samurai armour, netsuke and decorative sword hilts, as well as woodblock prints and other artifacts.
  12. Traditional armor continued to be worn and used in Japan until the end of the samurai era ( Meiji period ) in the 1860s, with the last use of samurai armour happening in 1877 during the Satsuma Rebellion.
  13. In the 1600s warfare in Japan came to an end but the samurai continued to use plate armour until the end of the samurai era in the 1860s, with the known last use of samurai armour occurring in 1877 during the Satsuma rebellion.
  14. "' The Secret of the Samurai "'is twenty pages long and is set a couple of years before the events in " The Rainbow Orchid ", featuring the search for a lost set of samurai armour in 1920s England.
  15. Highlights of the collection include an ancient Egyptian death mask, Medieval and Renaissance stained glass, Italian and Flemish Old Master paintings from the 14th to the 18th centuries, Greek, Turkish and Russian icons, pottery, weapons and cult objects from the Bronze and Iron Ages, Roman glassware, a 17th-century Mughal Qur'an, samurai armour and weapons, medieval manuscripts.


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